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Classical concerts featuring
de Angelis Luigi


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June 15, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event


Sun, Jun 15, 2025, 18:00
McFadden Claron (Voice), McFadden Claron (Performance), de Angelis Luigi (Concept), de Angelis Luigi (Director), de Angelis Luigi (Lighting Design), Lagani Chiara (Dramaturgy), Lagani Chiara (Costumes), Meacci (Tempo Reale) Damiano (Electronic Music), Meacci (Tempo Reale) Damiano (Sound Design), Argentieri Andrea (Acting Coach)
Eunice Kathleen Waymon—better known as Nina Simone—was a singer, pianist, composer, and Black civil rights activist whose work had a lasting impact beyond the world of 20th­century music. Soprano Claron McFadden, first heard at the Pierre Boulez Saal last season, presents a tribute to this extraordinary artist, who died in 2003, tracing her life story in an interdisciplinary performance of words and music. Coproduction with F&A/E Production & Muziektheater Transparant